Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sri Lankan Pork Curry with Naan

I decided to try something I'd never done before, a proper curry dish! So, I went looking around on the internet and found a recipe that I really enjoyed. The original recipe I used as a reference for mine can be found here:

Also, Brendan made Naan to go with the curry. If you don't know what Naan is, it's a leavened, oven-baked flatbread... and man, it really, REALLY went well with this dish. I'll leave him to post his recipe for it but I am going to include a picture of the finished product close to the end.

In any event, on with the show!

Step 1: Ingredients for the Marinade
2 pounds of pork, I used pork loin for this particular dish
About a teaspoon of salt
About a teaspoon of black pepper
2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
6 cloves of garlic, minced
1 medium ginger root, chopped
2 Tablespoons of soy sauce
2 Tablespoons of chilli powder
2 Tablespoons of Yellow Curry Powder (also known as just "Curry Powder")
1 Teaspoon of Tumeric

Step 2: Chop the Pork
Chop the pork in to smallish chunks and put it in a gallon sized Ziploc bag.

Step 3: Add everything
Add the rest of the ingredients for the marinade in to the bag, work it around with your hands so the meat gets a nice coating and let it sit for at least two hours before cooking.

Step 4: Ingredients for the Curry
1 yellow onion
1 chile or pablano
2 Teaspoons of Coriander Seeds
6 Cardamom pods
6 Cloves
2 Tablespoons of Curry Powder
2 Cinnamon Sticks
12 Black Pepper corns
1 can of coconut milk
Olive Oil

Step 5:Preparation
Go ahead and chop the onion and chile/pablano, then measure out and set to the side the rest of the spices.

Step 6: Cook the Cinnamon. Yes, really.
In a large pot, put juuuust enough olive oil on the bottom to give it a light covering and then turn the heat on medium high. Once the oil gets hot, toss in the two sticks of cinnamon and let them fry until they uncoil.

Step 7: Add the spices
Toss in the rest of the set aside spices and stir until it turns brown but DON'T BURN IT.

Step 8: Onion and Pepper
Toss in the onion and pepper and stir fairly constantly for a minute or two.

Step 9: Coconut Milk
Once the onion starts to get a little soft, pour in the can of coconut milk, turn the heat down to medium-low and stir it in.

Step 10: Realize you've done things out of order
Technically, the recipe I was following said to add the pork to the spices before you added the coconut milk and cook it over medium heat for 8 minutes. I didn't do that. So, I took a frying pan and put the heat on high and cooked the pork, turning occasionally, for about 8 minutes.

Step 11: Add it together
Add the pork to the pot, then turn the heat down to low and cover it. Let it simmer for 30 minutes.

Step 12: Add Yogurt
Right before you serve it, add a big dollop of Greek Gods' Plain Yogurt and stir it in and the final product should look like this:

Here's the Naan that Brendan made. Hopefully he'll post the recipe soon!

and here we go, Sri Lankan Pork Curry with Naan!

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