Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Post!

*taps the mic* Is this thing on?

Heh, so... at the prompting of multiple people, I've decided to start keeping a proper blog of the things I cook. I've you've been following me on Facebook for the last three months, you already know that I'm a cook and not a chef but for those of you who are new, let me explain. I'm a cook. I'm not a chef and I only barely pass as a foodie. A chef is a professional, someone who is a master at their craft. I know a chef, he's a close personal friend of mine and the things he can do with food are amazing. He knows how to prepare more dishes in more ways than I can fathom, knows the science behind the food, knows about flavor pairings and how to build elements in a dish that can tease or tingle or excite specific parts of the palette and he knows how to make food look pretty when it's being served. He also cooks as a profession and he's damn good at his job.

On the other hand, I'm a cook. I'm not entirely sure of the science behind my cooking, am only recently becoming more aware of flavor pairings and how they intermingle with each other and I don't do this for a living. I do it because I love cooking and I love sharing recipes. I love creating good food that brings people together around a table to eat and socialize. I like the complements and I like the challenge of creating something that people talk about. There are other distinctions between cooks and chefs, I just wanted to state it right off. I'm a cook, not a chef.

So, the whole point of this blog is to share recipes and show off some pictures in the process. With that said, on to the show!

1 comment:

  1. Until the day she died, Julia Child made the assertion that she wanted to always be known as a cook, not as a chef. You're in good company.
