Monday, September 10, 2012

Garlic and Ginger Honeyed Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables and plain, Jasmine rice

So, tonight's supper was Garlic and Ginger Honeyed Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables and plain, Jasmine rice. Here goes:

Chicken breast
Jasmine Rice
Chinese Cabbage
Water Chestnuts
Snow peas or snap peas
Green Onions
Toasted Sesame Oil

You'll notice that I didn't give any particular measurements for the ingredients. The ratios of the ingredients entirely depend on you and who you're cooking for. So, on to the show:

Before you start the other stuff, start your rice.

Step 1: Handle your veggies
Grab a big bowl and chop up your carrots in to sticks or slices, chop up your green onions (set two of the green onions aside for the meat) and drain the water chestnuts. Cut the crowns off of the broccoli and, if you like, peel the stem and chop that up, too. Chop the end off of the Chinese cabbage and rinse it thoroughly as that stuff likes to hoard dirt. Toss the veggies in your bowl for later.

Next, take a small ginger root and peel it. Slice half of it in to really, really thin medallions and set the other half to the side for later. Peel the garlic and slice it in to thin strips. Take two of the green onions and chop them up and toss them all in another bowl for later.

Step 2: Handle your meat
Slice your chicken breast in to thin strips or chunks. Personally, for this recipe, I like slicing it in to strips.

Step 3: Wok time
In a wok, put a tablespoon or so of toasted sesame oil and turn the heat on high. When the oil starts to smoke just a little, toss in the garlic, ginger and onion that you set aside earlier. Stir constantly and try not to let anything burn. When you see the garlic starting to brown a bit, toss in either 1/4 cup of water or 1/4 cup of chicken stock and stir until it's mostly evaporated.

Step 4: Add the chicken
You should notice the ginger start to look a little translucent. That's when you know it's time to toss the chicken in! Now, the chicken is going to cool the wok when you toss it in, so keep the heat on high. Stir constantly and when you see the chicken start to turn white, you should also notice some of the juices leaking out. Shove the chicken to one side of the wok and tilt the wok a bit to drain the juices to the hot side of the pan and let them evaporate off, then mix the chicken back in. Do this a few times and when you start to see the chicken cook through, drizzle honey around the edges of the wok. If your wok is hot enough, you'll see it melt and run down towards the center and your constant stirring should soak up the honey. You'll know the chicken is cooked through when you can push on a piece with your spoon and it isn't difficult to "cut" a piece in half.

When it's done, empty the wok in to a bowl and cover it with tin foil to keep the heat in.

Step 5: Add the veggies
Toss in either 1/4 cup of water or 1/4 cup of chicken stock and swirl it around the wok. Once it starts to evaporate off, toss in the water chestnuts and the cabbage. Saute them for about two minutes, then set them to the side and toss in everything else. Stir fairly constantly for about 7 - 10 minutes, then kill the heat and prepare your plates

aaand here we go, Garlic and Ginger Honeyed Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables and plain, Jasmine rice:

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