Monday, October 1, 2012

Tom Ka Chicken with Coconut Milk Rice

So, I call this recipe Tom Ka chicken but... well, it is in no way, shape or form traditional Tom Ka, which is a Thai coconut milk soup. It is, however, inspired by Tom Ka so I call it Tom Ka chicken. So, on to the show!

Step 1: Ingredients
Chicken breast
Jasmine Rice
2 cans of coconut milk
Half an onion
4 cloves of garlic
Ginger root

Unseasoned Rice Vinegar
Toasted Sesame Oil
Soy Sauce

Step 2: Starting the Coconut Milk Rice
Mix one part coconut milk and one part water. If you use 1 can of coconut milk, use 1 can of water. If you use 1 cup of coconut milk, use 1 cup of water. The mystic ratio of liquid to rice is always 2:1. So, if you use 2 cups of coconut milk mixed with water, use 1 cup of rice.

In the picture, I mixed 1 can of coconut milk and 4 cups of water. Anyhow, put the liquid in a pot, add salt to taste and bring it to a boil.

Once it boils, add the rice, put a lid on the pot, then lower the heat to simmer and let it cook for 20 minutes.

Step 3: Peel the Ginger and dice the Onion and Garlic

Step 4: Prep your Wok
Add about that much toasted sesame oil to a wok or frying pan and set the heat to medium.

Step 5: Saute the Onion and Garlic
Saute the Onion and Garlic. Once the onion gets soft and semi-translucent, add about a tablespoon of coconut milk and stir it around, it'll bubble quite a bit but that's good. Turn the heat down to simmer and add the rest of the can of coconut milk:

Step 6: Grate the Ginger
So, since I was unsuccessful in suddenly becoming a Hindu deity and sprouting multiple arms in my Gyro Recipe, I gave it another go. I could not, unfortunately, manage to sprout multiple arms, so I had to take a wonky picture.

In any event, grate the ginger root with the fine grater in to the coconut milk, then add a teaspoon of the rice vinegar.

Step 7: Add the Chicken
 Toss in your chopped chicken breast.

Step 8: Add Soy and let it simmer
Add about that much soy, circle the wok three or four times, then cover it and let it simmer for 20 minutes.

Step 9: Add Snow Peas
Toss in a handful of snow peas, then let it simmer for another 10 minutes.

Step 10: Check the coconut milk rice
The coconut milk rice should be done. When you take the lid off, stir it around to mix in anything that settled on the top in and you should notice that your rice looks a little shiny.

aaaand here we are, Tom Ka Chicken with Coconut Milk Rice!
This is personal preference but I think giving it just a kiss of Sri-Racha sauce makes it even better. Seriously, give it a try, it's really amazing.

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