Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Teriyaki Pork Tenderloin

So, what's better than pork tenderloin? Bacon wrapped pork tenderloin.

This is a recipe that I got from a friend of mine, AJ. I first had the dish when I was living with her a few years ago and I've always wanted to give the recipe a try myself. So, thanks for the recipe, AJ!

Step 1: Ingredients
  • Pork Tenderloin
  • Worcestershire Sauce
  • Soy Sauce
  • Lemon Juice
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Onion Powder
  • Minced Garlic
  • Brown Sugar
  • Bacon
Step 2: Making the Marinade
Douse the tenderloin with Soy Sauce and give it a few good dashes of Worcestershire sauce and Lemon Juice. Sprinkle it with Onion Powder and Cayenne, then give it a really healthy amount of minced garlic:
Then reach in and mix everything together, fully coating the tenderloin:
Let it marinate for 4 - 24 hours.

Step 3: BACON
Once the tenderloin is done marinating, wrap it in bacon. There are a few different ways you can wrap the tenderloin in bacon. The way I did it was to lay out strips of bacon barely overlapping, then set the tenderloin near the edge and roll it up. You can also just wrap the bacon around and pin it in place with a toothpick.

Step 4: Cook it
Heat the oven to 350 degrees, then pour about half of the remaining marinade overtop. Put it in the oven, let it cook for 30 minutes, then flip it and pour the rest of the marinade overtop:
Let it cook for another 30 minutes and it's done!

So, here we have it! Bacon Wrapped Teriyaki Pork Tenderloin with coconut milk rice and peas:

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