Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Random thought

I've been thinking about a term. It's one I grew up around and one that's followed me for most of my years. On a positive note, I haven't heard it nearly as often as I used to and that's something. But what's the phrase?

 Openly gay.

I've been wondering at its origin and at its intention. I've been wondering at it in general. I suppose it's a descriptor but... 'openly' in context of what? What closed standard do you desire and have set so firmly that the language you speak organically created a phrase like that? 

Unashamed. That's what they meant to say. 

"How can this person be... LIKE THAT... and not be ashamed? How can they be so open about it?"

And that's where some of the hatred comes from. They have observed another human being not heaping shame upon their own head like the observer would have preferred. It makes them uncomfortable to watch someone have the gall to be so unashamed. It makes them angry because they think whatever they've seen displayed is something that deserves a badge of shame that should never be taken off.

I repudiate that. I repudiate your shame and your guilt and call it for the petty and toxic behavior it is. 

That's yours. YOU keep it because I want no part of it.

Lay it at my feet and I'll kick it back in your face.

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